
Richard :: View Profile - suicideprogramss
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Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

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Display Name: suicideprogramss
Gender: Male
Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Website: suicideprograms
Post Count: 0
Date Registered: 23rd Aug 24 at 8:12am UTC

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Last Online: 23rd Aug 24 at 8:17am
Local Time: GMT+5.5 (17th Sep at 1:28am)
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    Thus, the objective of the suicide programs Brisbane is to raise the community's awareness of the signs of suicide and methods of protection. Our programs are intended to educate the persons within the community to recognise early signs of suicidal behaviour. Thus, developing an understanding and empathy allows people to perform actions and help those who need it. Specifically, it is important to erase the shame of mental illnesses and increase the action of discussing. In case you or someone close to you is receiving suicide signs, it is recommended that they undertake treatment.

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