
Richard :: View Profile - suicideprogramss
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Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

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Display Name: suicideprogramss
Gender: Male
Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Website: suicideprograms
Post Count: 0
Date Registered: 27th May 24 at 8:47am UTC

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Last Online: 27th May 24 at 8:50am
Local Time: GMT+5.5 (17th Sep at 1:34am)
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    You can change things with your words. Give yourself the tools you need to see warning signs of distress and know when to step in with Suicide Programmes' Safe TALK training. Our accidental counselling enables you to be a voice of hope in your community, whether you're a teacher, parent, or concerned friend. Learn to lower obstacles and provide a secure environment that encourages honest discussion about mental health. We can build a world where every communication has the power to save lives if we work together.

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