
Richard :: View Profile - rosebundy
View Profile - rosebundy
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Display Name: rosebundy
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Date Registered: 11th Aug 22 at 4:33am UTC

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Last Online: 11th Aug 22 at 4:37am
Local Time: GMT+5 (17th Sep at 12:58am)
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    As a Convenience Business Product Manager, I am in charge of the day-to-day operations of the store, including scheduling, training, and supervising staff and the assistant manager. Managing Disoposable vapes such as real floom infinity, flum float disposables, bang xxl blueberry ice, big bar duo, Floom Rome Disposable, flum floats, store revenues, and all controllable expenses like labor, inventory levels, and cash and inventory shortages. I review all insurance claims and schedule them accordin

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