
Richard :: View Profile - Peacock Revera
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Peacock Revera
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Location: Delhi

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Display Name: Peacock Revera
Location: Delhi
Website: Peacock Revera
Post Count: 0
Date Registered: 29th Jul 24 at 7:15am UTC

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Last Online: 29th Jul 24 at 7:20am
Local Time: GMT+5.5 (17th Sep at 1:37am)
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    PEACOCK REVERA is India’s premier kitchen storage brand established in 2000. Since then it has attained a remarkable position in kitchen accessories world and its success is based on delivering cost-effective, design-led solutions tailored to suit customer’s specific needs.

    PEACOCK REVERA offers the wide range of Drawer Slides, Hinges, Tandem Box, PVC Cutlery, Metal Divider, Modular Kitchen Accessories, Kitchen Organisers, Kitchen Storage Solution, Wardrobe Accessories, and more.

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