
Richard :: View Profile - mechealbrown
View Profile - mechealbrown
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Display Name: mechealbrown
Location: New York City
Website: Blue Topaz Jewelry
Post Count: 0
Date Registered: 15th May 24 at 10:40am UTC

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Last Online: 15th May 24 at 10:45am
Local Time: GMT+5.5 (8th Sep at 8:06am)
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    Hi, I am Mecheal Brown. I have been working as a product manager at Sagacia Jewelry for more than five years. Sagacia Jewelry is a worldwide manufacturing and wholesaling company based in India that deals in Blue Topaz Jewelry and other 150-plus varieties of gemstones. Our jewelry is made with genuine and ethically sourced gemstones that are loved by jewelry resellers worldwide. Bearing the signature of Sagacia Jewelry, each piece of jewelry is created with good quality. Moreover, We are dedicated to giving exclusive member benefits to our customers with a memorable shopping experience.

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