
Richard :: View Profile - Loya Smith
View Profile - Loya Smith
Loya Smith
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Loya Smith

Posts: 0
Status: Offline
Gender: Female
Location: New York, Usa

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Member Bio
Display Name: Loya Smith
Gender: Female
Location: New York, Usa
Website: Sagacia Jewelry
Post Count: 0
Date Registered: 17th May 24 at 4:33am UTC

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Last Online: 17th May 24 at 5:58am
Local Time: GMT+5.5 (17th Sep at 1:24am)
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    Hi, I am Loya Smith, I have been working as a product manager at Sagacia Jewelry for more than five years. Sagacia Jewelry is a worldwide best company that deals in Pietersite Jewelry and other varieties of gemstones. Our jewelry is made with genuine and ethically sourced gemstones that are loved by jewelry lover worldwide.

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