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Water Margin (5th Jan 23 at 2:02am UTC)
The hero general on the horse, it is jade kylin jun-yi Lu. The two men who made ju Dao in front of the horse, one is the sick Guan Suo Yang Xiong, the other is the desperate Sanlang Shi Xiu. In the light of the torches, more than three thousand people shook their spirits and blocked the way. Jun-yi Lu shouted on his horse, "If Tong Guan doesn't get off his horse and is bound, when will he wait?" When Tong Guan heard this, he said to the crowd, "There is an ambush in front of us, and there are pursuers behind us. What can we do about this?" "The young man gave up his life to repay the prime minister," she said. When all the officers, such as close to protect the pivot phase, take the way to Jeju. I will fight against this thief. The United States flattery, straight to jun-yi Lu. Two horse intersection, less than a few, was jun-yi Lu put the gun only a force, forced broadsword, snatched into the body, split the waist to live, a foot off the horse, to catch the beauty alive. Yang Xiong, Shi Xiu then came to meet, all the army together, horizontal drag down drag to catch. Bi Sheng, Zhou Xin and Duan Pengju sacrificed their lives to protect Tong Guan, rushed to kill the soldiers blocking the road, and fought and walked. Behind jun-yi Lu came. Tong Guan's defeated army is as busy as a lost dog and as anxious as a fish that slips through the net. Tianxiao took off his pursuers and looked at Jeju. Is walking between, in front of the hillside behind and rushed out a group of step army, the army is iron cover heart armor, crimson Luo turban, when the first four step army leader, after all, who is it? But see: Black Tornado holds the axe in both hands, and loses the door God to fight the Dragon Spring alone. Xiang Chong, Li Gun in the side, hand dance group card body. Chop the tiger must throw into the big hole,Serum Bottle With Dropper, kill the dragon will go to the abyss. The power of the armed forces vibrates in the blue sky, and the evil spirits are alive in front of them. This Li Kui round two board axe, Bao Xu battle a sword, filling, Li Gun each dance pretty card cover, but like a mass of fire, roll from the ground in the future, kill the officer and fall away. Tong Guan will fight and walk, only to escape. Li Kui straight cut into the horse army, the Duan Peng lift the horse's feet cut down, lift will come down, potential an axe, split the head,30ml Dropper Bottle, and then an axe, cut off the throat, see Duan Peng lift not live. Peter said that the defeated disabled officer army will wait for the second time to Jeju, is really a helmet slanting ears, neck half pocket cheeks, horse step three armed forces have no strength, people tired. Run to a stream, charger and go to drink water, only to hear the sound of a cannon to the stream, arrows like locusts will come over. Officers rushed to the bank of the stream, the edge of the woods turned out a tiger charger. Who are the three heroes on the first horse? But see: dance a jade python, scatter ten thousand flying stars. Dongchang a title of generals in ancient times is Zhang Qing, no arrow who dare to near! The gun of the flying gun does not miss, and the fork of the flying fork does not allow mercy. Two members of the tiger will be vertical and horizontal, left and right before the horse to help. It turned out that there were no arrows. Zhang Qing, Gong Wang and Ding Desun led more than three hundred horsemen. That group of Xiao riding army, are copper bell mask, pheasant tail red tassel, light bow short arrow, embroidered flag spear. Three will head straight into the future. When Zhou Xin, the governor of Songzhou, saw that Zhang Qingjun was short of horses, he came to meet the enemy. Bi Sheng protected Tong Guan and left. Zhou Xin rode to meet him with a gun. Zhang Qing held the gun in his left hand, and his right hand looked like a treasure. "Here we are," he shouted. Zhou Xin was hit by a stone on his nose and turned over and fell off his horse. With the help of Gong Wang and Ding Desun, Empty Glass Foundation Bottle ,Cosmetic Packaging Wholesale, they poked the two forks into their throats, as if the frost had destroyed the grass on the edge and the rain had hit the flowers in the forest. Zhou Xin died under the horse. Tong Guan and Bi Sheng fled for their lives, not into Jeju, led the defeated warhorse, went to Tokyo overnight. In the road to pack up the fleeing army under the village. The original sung river has benevolence and virtue, the heart of submission, refused to kill heartily. Lest people will, to chase Tong Guan, urgent Dai Zhong pass will make, notice all the leaders, pack up all the army step died, back to the village for credit. Sung gold everywhere and returned to the army, the saddle will knock on the golden stirrup, step down pawn sing a song of triumph, one after another into the water margin, all back to Wanzi city. Sung river, Wu, GongSunSheng first to the water margin village in the hall of loyalty to sit down, make Pei Xuan check to see each merit. Jun-yi Lu captured the beauty, solution on the village, kneeling in front of the hall. Sung river since the solution of its bound, please sit in the hall, pro place holding a cup with words, serve wine pressure. All the leaders came to the hall. Kill cattle and slaughter horses, reward the armed forces. He stayed in the United States for two days, prepared the pommel horse, and sent it down the mountain. Kui Mei is overjoyed. "General," said Song Jiangpei, "in front of and behind the battle array, Chang Du is so dignified that he begs for forgiveness. Sung river and so on this no disloyalty, as long as the submission to the court, and the country. Forced to do so by this unjust and lawless man. Hope the general back, good words to save. If you see the light of grace again in the future, you will not forget the great virtue in life and death. Kui Mei thanked him for not killing him and climbed down the mountain. Sung river is sent straight out of bounds, back to the capital. Sung river back to the hall of loyalty, and then with Wu and other leaders to discuss.
It turns out that this time with the ambush on all sides, is Wu with the layout, kill Tong Guan cold heartbreak, also afraid in the dream, the army three stops fold two stops. "When Tong Guan returned to the capital," said Wu Yong, "he played to the officials. How could he stop fighting?"! One person must go straight to Tokyo to find out the actual situation, return to the stronghold, and prepare in advance. Song Jiang said, "The strategist's theory is in line with my heart.". Don't you know which of your brothers dares to go? A man in the middle of the table answered, "I'd like to go, brother." When they saw this, they all said, "If he goes, he will do great things." Is not this person to go, there is a score: re-use strategy, and then defeat the officer army. Exactly: The horse died at the foot of Qingzhang Mountain, and the boat was trapped in the green cattail. After all, water margin is who went to ask, and listen to the next explanation. Seventy-eighth chapter ten Jiedu to take Liangshanpo Song Gongming defeated Gao Taiwei. Say again water margin heroes, since the win after Tong Guan, sung river, Wu with consultation, will use a go to Tokyo to find out the actual situation of the news, the mountain return, prepare for the war in advance. "" I'd like to go, "said Shenxing Taibao Dai Zong. "Thanks to Brother Sha," said Song Jiang, "to find out about the military situation. Although the good younger brother must go, must also use a phase to help to go best. Li Kui said, "I want to help you go for a walk." Song Jiang said with a smile, "You are the Black Tornado who doesn't cause trouble." Li Kui said, "If you don't get into trouble when you go back." Sung river drinks back, one wall asks again: "Does that brother dare to go to walk?" "How about helping Dai Zong's brother?" Asked the red-haired ghost Liu Tang. "Good!" Song Jiang exulted. The two of them packed up that day and went down the hill. Not to mention Dai Zhong, Liu Tang came to Tokyo to inquire about the news, but said that Tong Guan and Bi Sheng gathered along the road to defeat the disabled warhorse more than forty thousand people, than to Tokyo; in the road to teach many of the head of the army, their respective department led the warhorse back to the camp, only with the royal camp warhorse into the city. Tong Guan took off his uniform and armor and went to discuss with Gao Taiwei in the mansion. When the two of them saw each other, please sit down in the depths of the back hall. Tong Guan big fold two array, the result of the eight road officers, and many charger,Glass Cosmestic Containers, the United States was captured alive again, like this such as how, all told one by one.
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