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Fainting - Posted By Kramer (kramer) on 23rd Dec 22 at 12:58am
Passed a little while again, Gu Zhonglin is to wash probably, a suit is relaxed ground to walk out, be sitting on the bed in a daze she is slightly frightened: "Awake?" Hot eyes. Cheng Haitang answered vaguely and said, "I'm going to brush my teeth." Quickly past him and into the bathroom. When Cheng Haitang is washing his face, Gu Zhonglin comes over: "What to eat for breakfast?" "Whatever." "My mother asked someone to buy some bread and eggs and put them in the refrigerator. Do you like them?" "Why don't you go out to eat?" He asked. "No need to go out to eat." She dried her hands and came out. "Help yourself.". I'll do it. Not daring to look him in the eye, she turned and walked to the kitchen. There are some simple ingredients in the refrigerator, which were prepared by Gu's mother before, and she thought very carefully. Cheng Haitang or occasionally in the kitchen, make a breakfast is not difficult for her, convenient landing busy up. Gu Zhonglin was standing at the kitchen door when he suddenly walked up behind her and hugged her from behind. "Begonia," he called her. Cheng Haitang's ears were hot. He felt the stiffness of her body and laughed again. "What's wrong?" Cheng Haitang pretended to be relaxed: "It's all right. Well, breakfast is almost ready." "Begonia." Gu Zhonglin kissed her red earlobe and moved his hands along the curve of her waist. She was wearing a knee-length cotton nightdress,Narrow aisle rack, and his right hand passed smoothly under the dress and behind her waist. "Do you want to turn off the fire first?" Said Cheng Haitang. Gu Zhonglin reached out to turn off the fire that was frying eggs and eagerly found her lips. The more they kissed, the more anxious they became. Gu Zhonglin picked her up at the waist and went back to the bedroom. Gu Zhonglin did not go particularly smoothly at the beginning. Cheng Haitang is easy to be nervous. When she is nervous, she pushes him out. He has to pause and then mobilize her mood to relax her. Several times down, Gu Zhonglin almost wanted to give up, Cheng Haitang also felt embarrassed. Later,Drive in racking system, Gu Zhonglin hugged her body and went in successfully. Cheng Haitang's tears of pain came out in an instant, but he hugged him tightly. She thought a little confused, in this sense, they finally belong to each other. Gu Zhonglin is a gentleman, but he still has a strong demand in some aspects. They spent the whole morning whispering in bed. Finally, Cheng Haitang nestled in Gu Zhonglin's arms, looking at the sunshine outside, bit by bit, reflecting a dazzling light. The original plan of the two people was to go abroad for vacation after the wedding, as a honeymoon trip. But at this moment, warehouse rack manufacturer ,Pallet rack supplier, Cheng Haitang lies on the bed, unexpectedly has the kind of feeling which does not want to go anywhere. She remembered a very vulgar saying: "Where you are, you are heaven.". It turns out that when two people are together, it's really easier to have a happy feeling. Gu Zhonglin opened his mouth, his voice a little hoarse: "What are you thinking about?" Cheng Haitang felt that the man's voice was very charming and sexy, so he went up and kissed his lips. He didn't feel anything, but Gu Zhonglin was willing to let go of his entanglement with her. Nakabayashi, do you think we will always be like this? Cheng Haitang's little woman posture was completely put out. Uh "I mean, do you think one day we'll suddenly get tired of each other?" Gu Zhonglin smiled, and the vibration of his chest made Cheng Haitang feel so happy. Why does the institution of marriage exist in human society? Cheng Haitang suddenly wanted to communicate something with him so that he could better understand his inner thoughts. Are you interested in philosophy? Cheng Haitang shook his head and scratched his face with his hair. He pushed it aside with his hand and kissed it again. Before I got married, I didn't know why people got married, and I didn't understand why most people linked happiness to marriage. "Do you understand now?" "Still at a loss." She looked up at him. "But I don't regret it." He continued to smile, with shallow crow's feet at the corners of his eyes. "Then there's no need to study the meaning of everything to people.". A lot of things, follow your heart, to do what you want to do, is enough. "That's very philosophical of you." She teased. I'm just a businessman. He laughed. "But I may have a few more years of life wisdom than you.". Now I am no longer like when I was young, or like you now, I like to think about something.
” Maybe my life has been simple so far, so I admit that I am not a particularly secular person. I've had a lot of messy ideas. "It's better to be simple." She looked at him. "What kind of person do you want your wife to be?" "You are not my wife. What kind of person are you?" He cunningly evaded the question. Not the same, you choose to marry me, does not mean that I fully meet your expectations of a wife. There was a new coquetry in her tone. He grabbed her hand and counted it finger by finger: "Beautiful, filial, take care of the family, good temper, not too smart, not too stupid." "Then, what points do I meet?" "Guess for yourself." "First, beautiful." She was very serious. "I'm not particularly beautiful, but I'm passable.". It barely fits. He laughed heartily. What, you don't think I fit? "No, very much so." "I don't deserve it." She said,Industrial pallet rack, "Do you think your sister's type of appearance is the real beauty?" My sister? She's not your type. I know. In fact, I think your sister is prettier. But what about you? What is the real beauty type in your aesthetic view? Gu Zhonglin moved his body gently and covered her again. Be quiet and stop chatting. His big hands groped over her, igniting the desire of both of them again. Cheng Haitang obediently kept up with his rhythm.